
One of the biggest ways to protect your beloved dog is also one of the smallest, as microchips can and have helped reunite distraught owners with their lost pets.

Besides it being a legal requirement to fit your dog with a microchip before they turn eight weeks old, it is also important to ensure that the information in the dog microchip database is recent and up to date.

Incorrect or out-of-date information can delay your reunion, but thankfully updating your pet’s data is a very simple process.

Get The Microchip Number

Microchips in dogs are tiny because they only need to store one single number. However, this number is vital, as it links to a database entry containing all the other information an owner gives, such as breed, date of birth, address, contact information for the owner and so on.

You may already have the number written down, but if you do not, call your vet. They may have the number on file, or you can bring your pet into a vet’s office, rescue centre or dog warden’s office to have them scanned.

Check The Registration

Once you have the number, you can check where your pet is registered, as there are several government-approved databases that they may be linked to.

Several databases are linked to each other, so you can search and find which database they are on.

Contact The Database

Once you have the number and the database in question, it is time to update the details.

Different databases have different systems for this. Some will allow you to update them online, others have a form you need to send in or update over the telephone. Some databases can be updated directly from the vet’s office.

Some databases will update details for free, whilst others may charge, so make sure you keep that in mind.

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