Implanter Incentives Program
Join Our Implanter Team!
Our Implanters Incentives Program is the smartest and most cost-effective way to microchip animals, giving you and your clients the best benefits compared to any other database in the UK. If you like the sound of us, we'd love to hear from you! Contact us today or see below for more information.
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What's in it for you?
You'll never have to buy microchips again with our Implanter Incentives Program!
- FREE microchips – we credit you the full cost of your microchips when a registration is transferred to the new keeper with PetScanner
- Our microchips cost just £2.50 to buy (we guarantee to beat the price you currently pay) – choose from standard or mini.
- Free breeder registrations
- Quick, easy, paperless transfers using smartphone app
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What's in it for the new keeper?
New keepers won’t think twice about registering with PetScanner from the fantastic benefits we offer, which you too can offer to your customers:
- UK’s lowest cost DEFRA approved pet registration at just £2.99 per pet
- FREE contact details updates – new keepers have a better chance of reuniting with their pet if they ever go missing!
- Report lost pets in seconds – all other PetScanner users are notified
Optional PetScanner Pet Protection:
New pet owners will have the choice to add PetScanner Pet Protection to their standard registration for just £0.99/month. All standard registrations include 3 months free pet protection!
- Get INSTANTLY notified if your pet’s microchip is ever scanned with a PetScanner – see a map location of where they were scanned and who by
- Get INSTANTLY notified if your pet’s microchip is ever searched online using any chip checker tool
- See any previous activity on your pet’s microchip by viewing their microchip scan and search history from August 2018.
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Implanter Incentives Program
Simple 4-step Process
To get started, you'll need to download the PetScanner app and create a free account. Once you've made an account, please contact us with the email address used and certificate/proof of your competency to implant microchips and we will enable the implanter options in your app. You can then follow the steps below to benefit from our incentives program.
1. Pre-register Microchips
All microchips purchased directly from the PetScanner shop will automatically be pre-registered to your account so they are ready to implant the moment you receive them. You can purchase microchips from our shop at just £2.50 each (choose from standard or mini)
To pre-register any existing chips you may have to your account, you'll need to register each chip by either using our in-app barcode scanner or with a PetScanner microchip reader
All microchips are logged in the ‘my microchips’ section under ‘active’ on the app. These active microchips can now be implanted into a pet.
My Microchips
The ‘My Microchips’ section on the app shows your active and historical microchips. Active microchips are the chips that you (the implanter) have pre-registered and have not yet implanted into a pet. Historical microchips are chips that have been implanted and have transferred ownership to a keeper (therefore registration has been paid).
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2. Pre-register Pet
When the active microchips are implanted into a pet, each one is logged by the breeder (either using our in-app barcode scanner or with a PetScanner) using the ‘pre-register pet’ breeder options. These microchips will be logged onto the breeder’s PetScanner profile on the app. The pre-registered pet microchips will be registered to a breeder with the ‘re-homing’ status. The re-homing status means that the pet is registered on the PetScanner database (for free) and is ready to be transferred to a new owner.
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3. Transfer Ownership
When a new owner comes to re-home the pet, they will need to simply download the PetScanner app and register their pet with PetScanner (by either entering the chip number using our in-app barcode scanner or with a PetScanner microchip reader). The registration cost of just £2.99 includes 3 free months of PetScanner Pet Protection and is fully DEFRA (government) compliant. The new owner will receive all the PetScanner benefits including notifications when their pet’s chip is scanned or searched online and being able to change their contact details for free– providing the best chance of reuniting if their pet is ever lost or stolen. This pet’s chip will now move from ‘active’ to 'historical' on the implanters ‘my microchips’ section on the app.
See how to register

4. My Rebate Codes
For each microchip that is registered with PetScanner (£2.99 registration has been paid), the implanter receives 1 microchip credit. When 10 microchip credits are reached, a coupon is generated to receive 10 FREE MICROCHIPS – this coupon is shown in the ‘my rebate codes’ section on the app. When you click on the rebate code, it will take you to the PetScanner shop and AUTOMATICALLY generate the discount at the checkout. We only charge for delivery!
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Low Cost Quality Microchips
Our microchips cost just £2.50 per microchip - choose between our standard 2*12mm or mini 1.4*8mm chips.
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