It is already the law in England to have your cat chipped and registered, but even if it wasn’t (as is still the case in Scotland), it would be very wise, for cats can find some very strange ways of going missing.
A particularly curious case has arisen in Herefordshire. The Ledbury Reporter has highlighted the case of Margo, a cat that disappeared from her home in the village of Little Cowarne. This occurred as an Asda delivery van was bringing goods to the village and Margo is suspected of having stowed away.
Whether Margo thought there were some tasty treats on board is not known, but owner Becky Matthews warned that the rescue cat would not cope well with being outdoors and having to fend for herself.
She told the paper: “Named after Margo from the Good Life, she is rubbish at hunting, likes lounging on the sofa and is fond of warming her bits in front of the log burner”.
This case may sound familiar to many cat owners whose pets will have hitched some sneaky lifts in cars, vans, or even trains. However, if Margo is found, it will at least be possible to trace her using her chip.
It is also worth owners remembering that failing to get a cat chipped in England could mean double trouble. Not only would it be harder to find a missing cat if they cannot be identified, but even if they are, the lack of a chip will be discovered and this could lead to a fine.
Research by Go Compare Pet Insurance recently established which breeds of cat or dog are most likely to go missing.
Tabbies and British shorthairs top the list, with Bengal, Siamese and ragdoll cats also among the most common breeds to go AWOL. Among dogs, terriers top the lists, followed by cross-breeds and Jack Russells.