
Let’s face it, losing your dog can be one of the most anguishing experiences imaginable. But while it can be easy to panic amid the inevitable feelings of uncertainty and anxiety, it’s important to keep a cool head.

When you become separated from your furry friend, the next steps you take can make all the difference, so you’ll need to act sensibly to ensure you and your animal are reunited.

Here we’ll be going over the steps you should take if your dog becomes lost, boosting your chances of getting your four-legged friend home where they belong.

Search Nearby

The first and most obvious step is to search nearby. If your dog has become lost on a walk or escaped from the garden, there’s a decent chance you’ll find them by looking close by. 

Check hiding spots, bushes, and nearby streets or parks – all the places you think your dog will be having the time of their life! And while you’re out searching, be sure to shout at the top of your lungs as their impeccable hearing will ensure they know you’re near.

Ask for Help

When it comes to searching for your dog, the more the merrier so ask for the help of friends, neighbours or family members. With more eyes, this will enhance your chances of spotting them.

Share On Social Media

Long gone are the days when you had to stick ‘lost’ pictures on lampposts and notice boards – now, social media can help you spread the word about your estranged pet with a few clicks of a button.

Share a description and photo of your dog on social media platforms, community groups and local pet lost-and-found websites. Provide contact information and any relevant details about your dog’s appearance and personality and there’s a great chance someone will have spotted your pet.

Contact Shelters And Vets

In many cases, a lost dog will be picked up by a member of the public or a dog warden, before being taken to a vets or animal shelter. 

So be sure to reach out to those in your area to report your missing dog as soon as possible. If they don’t have your dog, provide them with a description of your dog and your contact details in case they are found and, hopefully, someone will contact you soon.

Stay Persistent

In some cases, dogs can turn up weeks, months or even years after they go missing! So don’t give up hope and continue searching for your dog, calling shelters and posting on social media just in case someone’s looking after your animal.

Prevent Future Loss

Once you’ve been reunited with your dog, remember this awful experience and use that memory as fuel to take preventative steps in future. So if your dog escaped from your garden, make sure you keep gates or doors locked to avoid this. 

Alternatively, if your dog made off while you were on a walk, keep them on a lead in future.

Microchipping Your Pet

Another way to ensure your pet doesn’t go missing if we happen to wander off is with a microchip.

A microchip is a small implant that’s placed under your dog’s skin. This chip contains your contact information, so if your pet ever goes missing and is brought to a vet or shelter, they can carry out a microchip lookup to find you.

The law in the UK states that all dogs must be microchipped. Additionally, it’s also your responsibility as the owner to update the details such as home address if it changes.

Having said that, many dog owners are forgetting to do this, which is resulting in thousands of dogs being unable to be reunited with their owners.

So if you’re a dog owner then make sure your dog isn’t just microchipped but that their details are also up to date as this will ensure you’re complying with the law and your pet will have a much better chance of coming back if they get lost.

https://www.petscanner.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/3222affqqwq.html https://www.petscanner.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/20210507008.html