
Dogs and especially cats are independent creatures, and this often means they can end up running off, which is what makes a microchip registration and chip finder vital to keeping them safe.

This is why it is a legal requirement to get your pet microchipped; it helps reunite owners, makes rescue efforts more efficient since stray cats can be more easily identified so long as the information is kept up to date, and can give owners closure in the worst-case scenarios.

At the same time, however, it can also lead to some truly unusual situations, such as what happened with a mysterious well-groomed gray cat found in a rural part of the state of Oklahoma in the United States.

Cat rescues are not necessarily unusual here, but what makes it stranger is that when an animal shelter picked her up and scanned his microchip, they were first baffled by what a good condition he was in and then by the fact that once they checked the chip, it was registered in the United Kingdom.

Whilst there are certainly cases of lost cats being recovered a long distance away, typically it is still in the same country.

What made this even more confusing was that once they tracked down the original owner, she was rather confused at the suggestion that her cat was missing, given that it was sitting right there with her at the time they made the call.

The theory the animal shelter has when it comes to this mystery is that the cat changed owners, the new owner forgot to update the details on the microchip when moving to America, took good care of them and for some reason, the cat recently got lost.

The mystery cat, nicknamed Samson by the shelter, has passed its mandatory hold period and has since gone up for adoption, which highlights just how important it is not only to get a microchip fitted but to update the details regularly.

https://www.petscanner.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/3222affqqwq.html https://www.petscanner.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/20210507008.html