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PetScanner News

Cat Suspected Of Being Stowaway In Supermarket Van

It is already the law in England to have your cat chipped and registered, but…
Image of PetScanner reader and app in use on dog
PetScanner News

When Might You Need To Reregister Your Pet’s Microchip?

The process of getting your pet microchipped is simple and painless for your dog or…
Cat microchip registration
PetScanner News

Welfare Report Urges Mandatory Cat Chipping In Scotland

A new report has recommended that the Scottish government make it mandatory for cat owners…
chip finder
PetScanner News

How Did A British Microchipped Cat Find Itself In The USA?

Dogs and especially cats are independent creatures, and this often means they can end up…
https://www.petscanner.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/3222affqqwq.html https://www.petscanner.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/20210507008.html